Dr. Carolyn Dean – RnA ReSet
We are the exclusive distributors of the RnA ReSet brand, which was created by Dr. Carolyn Dean, whose book was published under the title: The Miracle of Magnesium. RnA ReSet produces top quality ReMag® magnesium and several other mineral food supplements, which are also made in top quality and absorbability.
Dr. Carolyn Dean

Doctor Carolyn Dean has been writing about lack of magnesium for more than 15 years. Over the last 10 years, she tried to encourage the magnesium manufacturing companies to produce fully absorbable magnesium product instead of plain magnesium oxide which is absorbed only from 4%. At the end, she realized that she is supposed to fulfill this task by herself. She created magnesium ReMag® which is 100% absorbable at the cellular level. ReMag® therefore doesn’t have laxative effect.
Dr. Carolyn Dean is the author of 110 Kindle books and 33 medical books that cover a variety of topics, including The Magnesium Miracle, Hormone Balance, The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health.
Her focus on magnesium earned her an award from the Heart Rhythm Society in the UK for “Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm – 2012“.